Burning Injustice is a powerful short documentary that follows the inspiring journey of Latino activists, John Mataka and Bianca Lopez, as they expose the toxic pollution and devastating health consequences of one of the last trash incinerators in California in an effort to close the facility once and for all.
Watch the Trailer
Wings of Dust is a 2023 documentary short film that follows Peruvian journalist Vidal Merma as he fights to expose how mining operations have contaminated the water in the Espinar community. The film explores themes of community resilience, fatherly sacrifice, and the human spirit
Come Early!
Showtime starts at 6:30 p.m., but we encourage attendees to gather and connect at the Riverwalk Theater early. Enjoy food and drink at La Casa and mingle with our community of supporters. By supporting the Riverwalk Theater, you help us offer the program free to all attendees. See you at the Riverwalk!
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